We partner with churches
and Christians who desire to learn and GO out to do evangelism and make disciples.
MinistryThrough 2013 the focus of iour ministy was on street outreach.
Beginning in December 2013 we took the next step, and moved into church planting.
Once people have heard the gospel, repented, and trusted in Christ as their savior,
they need to begin attending a good church. Our outreach ministry continues,
primarily partnering with other churches to help them get started with outreaches
at festivals, fairs, parades, and other events where people who need the gospel
gather. We are currenrtly working weith three churches. What We Are DoingOur
church plant is Cannon Beach Bible
Church. This is a church that was originally planted in 1951. In January 2013
they were about to close the doors and give away the property. Along with three
other men I agreed to preach on some Sundays and keep the church going for one
more year. This would allow time for the Hispanic church, that was also using
the building, to possibly take over the facility. In
December 2013 my wife and I became fulltime missionaries with the goal of
establishing a new English church in the Cannon Beach Bible Church facility. 2014
was a year of getting legal problems straightened out, as well as dealing with
building maintenance issues that hasd to be addressed ASAP, such as broken windows
and electrical hazards. 2015 was a year of making the presence of the church
known, and getting to know thec ommunity. Most people in the Cannon Beach community
either did not know the church existed (we have a very poor location at the end
of a dead end street), or they thought the church had closed. 2018 - The
church is stable and we are now bringing on a full-time pastor (a graduate of
Master's Seminary). The ministry in Cannon Beach has lead to an expansion
of other parts of our ministy: Cannon Beach Bible Church Books In
April 2015 I started working on a book called, "This
Is Not Jesus Calling." In the past two years I've had to answer more
questions about the Jesus Calling book than any other topic. This is not a Christian
book. It is a book that leads people away from Jesus. To save myself some time
I started writing down what I've been telling people. In October 2015 I
started writing a book called "Why
Did You Move To Cannon Beach?" This has beena great way to meet peolwe
and learn about the community. Plus, I think this will turn out to be a very interesting
book about the people in Cannon Beach. Of course, as with everything I do, it
will include the gospel. In addtion, we had two VBS programs this year,
we've held two seminars, and produced four new videos during 2015. Visit our church
Facebook page for more information about what we are doing. Outreach
Event Photos 2013 Evangelism Event Photo Album
2012 Evangelism Event Photo Album 2011
Evangelism Event Photo Album |